
Members are mostly in the UK but there are also members in Australia, Canada and Spain. The Society is managed by a committee of volunteers who are elected by the members.

We encourage new members to join us. A membership form is below.

The Secretary is Hazel Harding. Hazel can be telephoned on 01225 760817 or emailed using this Contact Form, she will be pleased to forward any information about our Society.

The membership fee is £12 for singles £18 Couples at the same address for which members receive a magazine 6 issues per annum sent directly to their home. In addition, they receive special rates of admission at the various Society arranged events.

Publication dates for the newsletter are 1st February, 1st April, 1st June, 1st August, 1st October and 1st December. Members wishing to have items included in the Newsletter Magazine please send details to the Editor, Paul Harding, 6 weeks prior to the next edition.